
Svetoslav Roerich Memorial Day at IRMT

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On January 30, 2024, the Roerich Estate in the Himalayas honored the memory of a great artist, thinker, public figure, a faithful son of Russia, who gave the world the beauty of his beloved India, his second spiritual homeland. His art reflected the depth of traditions, richness of philosophical thought, generous colors of nature and cordiality of people of this wonderful country.  It laid a stable bridge between the two countries, opened a window to the fabulous world of India, which became a reality in his paintings. He is loved and honored here as a great master and sage.

A group of schoolchildren from Naggar visited the International Roerich Memorial Trust on the Svetoslav Roerich Memorial Day. Together with them garlands of marigold flowers were laid on the sculptures of Svetoslav Roerich and Devika Rani, installed on May 1, 2022 near the summer studio of Svetoslav Roerich. The same garlands honored the bronze busts of his parents Nicholas Roerich and Helena Roerich.

Suresh Kumar, Indian curator of the IRMT, told the children about the Roerichs' life in the Himalayas, the activities of the Urusvati Himalayan Research Institute, the artistic work of Nicholas and Svetoslav Roerichs, and showed them Svetoslav Roerich's summer studio, which was received with genuine interest. Valentina Vinogradova, assistant of Russian curator of the IRMT, also addressed the guests:

"Svetoslav Roerich," she noted, "was convinced that it is beauty, art, culture, to which he devoted his entire life that is the international language and can unite peoples. This is especially important today, when relations between India and Russia are becoming more and more intense and fruitful. These two countries, which have an exceptionally rich history, in their interaction, based on the cultural heritage of the Roerichs, can give much to the world and present together that model, that image of the future, where our common dream of peace on earth, of heartfelt understanding of each other, of freedom and creativity will become a reality."

It is symbolic and significant that it was on this day that children visited the estate. In Bangalore, where Svetoslav Roerich lived for many years, he established the Chitrakala Parishath Academy of Arts. For many years Svetoslav Roerich took an active part in the management of one of the leading schools in India, which is often called one of the best in the world. It bears the name of the famous Indian philosopher Aurobindo Ghosh. He was in the school every day, was aware of all the affairs, and every visit was a great holiday for the children and teachers. This school was spoken of as "a true temple of beauty". 

Educational issues were not abstract reasoning for him. In one of his interviews, Svetoslav Roerich noted that aesthetic and ethical education should be inseparably linked and aimed at forming "a perfect man to whom the future belongs".


He was convinced that the main "helper" in this is the Beautiful in all its manifestations. And that is why he transferred to his canvases enchanting, refined, luminous colors and images of those beautiful, unearthly worlds, which he himself witnessed. The source of beauty in creativity is the heart, in which the most intimate and pure experiences and dreams are born and live. Russia and India know and remember the true, eternal language of the heart, and it is no coincidence that the breadth of vision and high aspirations of these two nations are reflected in his great art, leading us to the Future. To create our lives according to the laws of Beauty – that's what he urged us to do.